"This is the best book yet on the origins of the Vietnam War and how politicians continue to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory"--Lt. General Thomas G. McInerney, USAF (Ret.), former fighter pilot who served four combat tours in Vietnam; "Why was the American public so poorly informed about the War in Vietnam? For some of the answers read: Formula for Failure in Vietnam , in particular, read Chapter VI 'Troops, Time, TET, and Truth.'"--Joseph L. Galloway co-author of We Were Soldiers Once.and Young: Ia Drang--The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam (1991), and co-author of We Are Soldiers Still: A Journey Back to the Battlefields of Vietnam (2009); "Right on target! Formula for Failure in Vietnam exposes the thinking of those who made the Vietnam War impossible to win and how our political leadership keeps making many of the same mistakes in Afghanistan and Iraq."--Rear Admiral H.
Denny Wisely, USN (Ret.), former commander of the Navy's Blue Angels, former commander of the USS John F. Kennedy , and recently the author of Green Ink; Memoirs of a Fighter Pilot ; "For those seeking answers as to how the United States became bogged down in Vietnam, Formula for Failure in Vietnam is a must read. Carefully researched and documented the book details the strategic mistakes made in Washington, D.C. between 1965 and 1968 and how partisan politics made the Paris Peace Accords of 1973 just another meaningless piece of paper."--Colonel Richard Roberts, USA (Ret.), former infantry company commander in Vietnam with the famed 101st Airborne Division; "As the commander of one of the three artillery batteries that fired at least 10,000 shells during the 1st Battle of the Ia Drang, what Dr.
William Hamilton records in his book Formula for Failure in Vietnam about the fighting in Vietnam rings true with me."--Lt. Colonel Robert L. Barker, USA (Ret.).