Dr Richard Halvorsen brings together the latest medical knowledge on all modern child vaccines (age 0-15yrs), as well as the diseases they aim to protect against, including the 'flu virus. The guide includes what is known about the link between vaccination, autism and other auto-immune diseases, and what parents can do. Dr Richard Halvorsen has added clinical information from his practice as a general practitioner for almost three decades where it is useful to parents, as well as a quick reference. Includes: autism, 'flu, smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, polio, tetanus, mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, meningitis C, pneumococcus, hib, swine flu, the '6-in-1' vaccine, MMR, HPV, rotavirus, hepatitis B, meningitis B.
Vaccines : Making the Right Choice for Your Child