"What a surprising and beautiful book - a parade of amazing buildings." -- Peter York " Concrete is a beautifully designed book. It is also a thought-provoking exploration of an important subject." -- John Pawson " Concrete sheds new light on what is today's most widely used manmade material. Celebrates concrete as malleable and enlivened. This portable edition is a must for enthusiasts with a thirst for modernism and Brutalism."-- Aesthetica "Yes, concrete can be cold and imposing - but as the structures in the book attest, it can also be colourful, playful, and delicate." -- Wall Street Journal "The eye candy here, from the graceful to the brash, is enough to open the mind of any skeptic.
" -- Atlantic Cities "A fresh look at the world's mist fascinating and beautiful concrete buildings. Amazing." -- Telegraph.co.uk "A global tour of inspiring and intriguing concrete structures."-- Modus Magazine "An ode to one of the most versatile construction materials in the world, this book explores the many wonderful properties of this robust material--as seen on intriguing structures by architects the likes of Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright."-- Singapore Tatler Homes "A fast-paced and entertaining read-aloud story that provides ample opportunity for character voices and multiple punch lines. Children will wager predictions throughout, and crack up at the clever and comical ending!" -- Tipslimited.
co.uk "This smaller more affordable version may help to convince a broader audience of concrete's many attributes." -- Self Build & Design.