If you are reading this description chances are you have admitted to yourself that your child has a problem and you're searching for answers. Your life has turned into a never ending nightmare. The school is calling constantly with grievances. More and more you find your child is lying about where he is and who he is with. He disappears and can't be found for hours on end. That adorable child you raised has suddenly become defiant, hateful, manipulative, and destructive. Money and valuables are disappearing at an alarming rate and strangely enough no one admits to taking them. You aren't able to sleep because you wake up in the middle of the night and he/she is gone.
You've spoken with other parents and family members that told you in a very nice way that you're a failure. You should have forbidden your child from doing drugs (Golly, why didn't I think of that?), you didn't punish him enough (um, there is literally nothing left to take away from him). It all seems totally hopeless doesn't it?That was the way I felt and the way thousands of parents feel right now. Maybe it is hopeless, maybe not. I hope reading this book will give you the strength and encouragement to continue the battle and eventually win. Each child and family is different and must find their own road to recovery. I don't have all the answers, sometimes I don't believe I have any, but hopefully our story will provide you with some insight, give you some ideas you can use, and pitfalls to avoid. Don't underestimate the power of drugs; this is going to be a battle.