Classroom Manual. 1. Automotive Engines. 2. Engine Repair and Rebuilding Industry. 3. Theory of Engine Operation. 4.
Engine Operating Systems. 5. Factors Affecting Engine Performance. 6. Engine Materials, Fasteners, Gaskets, and Seals. 7. Intake and Exhaust Systems. 8.
Engine Configurations, Mounts, and Remanufactured Engines. 9. Cylinder Heads. 10. Camshafts and Valve Trains. 11. Timing Mechanisms. 12.
Engine Block Construction. 13. Pistons, Rings, Connecting Rods, and Bearings. 14. Alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicles. Shop Manual. 1. Safety and Shop Practices.
2. Engine Rebuilding Tools and Skills. 3. Basic Testing, Initial Inspection, and Service Procedures. 4. Diagnosing and Servicing Engine Operating Systems. 5. Diagnosing Engine Performance Concerns.
6. Repair and Replacement of Engine Fasteners, Gaskets, and Seals. 7. Intake and Exhaust System Diagnosis and Service. 8. Engine Removal, Engine Swap, and Engine Installation. 9. Cylinder Head Disassemble, Inspection, and Service.
10. Valve Train Service. 11. Timing Mechanism Service. 12. Inspecting, Disassembling, and Servicing the Cylinder Block Assembly. 13. Short Block Component Service and Engine Assembly.
14. Alternative Fuel and Advanced Technology Vehicle Service.