"The contents are presented in a way that isaccessible to graduate students who may use the book for self-study of thetopic, and it can easily be used as a textbook for a corresponding lectureseries. Moreover, advanced researchers in numerical mathematics are likely tobenefit from reading it, in particular because the book provides interestinginsight into how stability relates to areas other than their own particularspecialization field. also useful reading material for numerical softwaredevelopers." (Kai Diethelm, Computing Reviews, October, 2015) "This book is concerned with stability properties invarious areas of numerical mathematics, and their strong connection withconvergence of numerical algorithms. As a side effect, any parts of numericalanalysis are reviewed in the course of the stability discussions. The book aimsin particular at master and Ph.D. students.
" (M. Plum, zbMATH 1321.65139, 2015) "This nontraditional book by Hackbusch (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany) headlines the abstract stability concept. ultimately serves a broad but unusually thoughtful introduction to (or reexamination of) numerical analysis. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above." (D. V.
Feldman, Choice, Vol. 52 (4), December, 2014) "It is the perfect complement to a lecture series on numerical analysis, starting with stability of finite arithmetic, quadrature and interpolation, followed by ODE, time-dependent PDE, Elliptic PDE, and integral equations. All chapters are presented self-contained with separate reference list, so that they can be studied independently. it is highly recommended for all lectures and all students in applied and numerical mathematics." (Christian Wieners, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 94 (9), 2014).