In this era of ever-increasing vaccination mandates and frequently declared public health emergencies, established civil rights organizations have not adequately addressed the critical issues of vaccination choice, parental consent, and the freedom to make individual healthcare decisions. Featuring more than twenty experts from the fields of ethics, law, and science, Vaccine Epidemic is the essential handbook of the ever-growing vaccination choice movement. Louise Kuo Habakus, director of the Center for Personal Rights, edits and introduces a diverse array of topics such as: #xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xC3;#xA2;#xC2;#x80;#xC2;#xA2; The vaccine bubble and industry corruption, by financial strategist Michael Belkin #xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xC3;#xA2;#xC2;#x80;#xC2;#xA2; The legal ramifications of the state vaccine mandates, by human rights attorney Mary Holland, JD #xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xC3;#xA2;#xC2;#x80;#xC2;#xA2; Vaccination in the military and the lack of consent, by retired Air Force Captain Richard Rovet #xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xC3;#xA2;#xC2;#x80;#xC2;#xA2; The constitutional issues of vaccine choice and parental consent, by constitutional law professor William Wagner, JD #xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xC3;#xA2;#xC2;#x80;#xC2;#xA2; The American tradition of dissent and the roots of the vaccination choice movement, by historian Robert Johnston, PhD #xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xA0;#xC3;#xA2;#xC2;#x80;#xC2;#xA2; And other important issues.
Vaccine Epidemic : How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children