Antonia Grunenberg is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Hannah Arendt Center at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. Peg Birmingham is Professor of Philosophy at DePaul University. She is the author of Hannah Arendt and Human Rights: The Predicament of Common Responsibility (IUP, 2006), editor (with Philippe van Haute) of Dissensus Communis: Between Ethics and Politics, and editor (with Anna Yeatman) of Aporia of Rights: Citizenship in an Era of Human Rights. She is the editor of Philosophy Today. Elizabeth von Witzke Birmingham lives and works in Berlin. She is the translator (with Peg Birmingham) of Dominique Janicaud's Powers of the Rational: Science, Technology, and the Future of Thought (IUP, 1995). Kristina Lebedeva is a doctoral student of Philosophy at DePaul University.
Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger : History of a Love