For a complete beginner in Welsh, this book is the best I have encountered. There is a brief guide to pronunciation and a factual introduction to the Welsh language. The language and its sounds are addressed with an approximation of the phonetic sound. A more extensive use of phonetics throughout the book would have been useful.The beginning of Welsh grammar, which is very complex in itself, is explained simply and succinctly and plenty of examples are given. The words and phrases section includes such essential components as numbers, time, money, weights, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, holidays and replies and thanks in everyday contexts. The 'situational' section is excellent, covering all the usual topic areas. At the beginning of each section there is an introduction to grammatical structures and the vocabulary necessary for spoken Welsh.
A short Welsh-English, English-Welsh vocabulary at the back is useful. Welsh mutations - the bane of all non-Welsh speakers - are addressed simply and one almost has a sense of relief that in the near future one may just master these most complex and demanding forms.