Introduction: Text as Transgression * Textual Criticism in Graduate Education * Concept of Nature in Bartholomaeus Anglicus * Models for the Textual Transmission of Translation: The Case of John Trevisa * Normalization of Accidentals in Middle English Texts: The Paradox of Thomas Hoccleve * Challenges of Theory and Practice in the Editing of Hoccleve's Regement of Princes * A Suspicion of Texts * Place of Fredson Bowers in Mediaeval Editing * Textual and Literary Theory: Redrawing the Matrix * Self-Referential Artifacts: Hoccleve's Persona as a Literary Device * Politics and Ideology in Anglo-American Textual Scholarship * Slips and Errors in Textual Criticism * [Textual] Criticism and Deconstruction * Manifestation and Accommodation of Theory in Textual Editing * Materiality of Textual Editing * Books as Meaning/Meaning in the Book * A Reader's Response * On Cultural Translation: From Patristic Repository to "Shakespeare's Encyclopaedia" * Alterity and the Editing of Middle English Literature * Editorial and Critical Theory: From Modernism to Post-Modernism * Textual Imperialism and Post-Colonial Bibliography * Rights to Copy.
Textual Transgressions : Essays Toward the Construction of a Biobibliography