In any given school, it's often the same students who cause the majority of discipline referrals. These students disrupt their own learning and that of others. Managing these students in the classroom and school community requires more time than teachers feel they can give. It is clear that discipline-as-usual--detentions, suspensions, seclusions, and more--isn't helping these students. In the newly revised Second Edition of Lost and Found , expert psychologist Dr. Ross W. Greene delivers a thorough roadmap to using the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) method with students. Drawing from research showing that concerning behaviors stem from lagging skills rather than lagging motivation or faulty learning, Dr.
Greene describes how to shift from disciplinary strategies that are primarily focused on modifying behavior to strategies aimed at solving the problems that are causing those behaviors. The CPS model has been shown to dramatically reduce or eliminate discipline referrals, detentions, suspensions, restraint, and seclusion in schools and treatment facilities. Through real-world examples and sample dialogues, you'll learn about the problem-solving process and how to navigate bumps on the road to better discipline strategies. You'll discover how to use the Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems (ALSUP2020) to help school staff change their understanding of students with concerning behaviors and begin the hard work of collaboratively and proactively solving the problems that affect these students' lives. You'll also learn more about the structural and systemic issues that can be the greatest impediment to transforming school discipline.