Approximately 80% of all legally grown marijuana is diverted to the black market. State protections for medical marijuana growers created a State sanctioned underground medical marijuana economy, depriving the Federal Government of approximately $1 trillion dollars in tax revenue. Administrators, law makers, politicians, regulators, economists, analysts and marijuana investors created marijuana projections from prices of an illegal perishable flower that people consume. Then they created a production model from the miscalculation and attempted to build the economy from inflating and manipulating the value of this perishable flower. Some marijuana clones cost $1 for a certain marijuana strain, while some marijuana clones cost $2,000 for a clone of a different marijuana strain. Investors are lining up to cash in on the green rush, comparing marijuana to the gold rush days.Gold is a precious metal and has gained per ounce (weight) value over many decades. In 1990 an ounce of gold had the same value as an ounce of marijuana.
In 2017 an ounce of gold commands a price of approximately $1250, while an ounce of marijuana is worth approximately $200. Just that alone should set off red flags to most people. It appears that we have Marijuana Mania, the 21st century's version of the Dutch Tulip Mania.Over the past 18 years, adults and kids in the black market have dramatically increased concentrate consumption, creating Dab Madness.You can go online right now and find tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of Americans posting videos or pictures of themselves consuming 5 grams to 10 grams of shatter or some form of marijuana concentrate every single day. In the search engine put: "slab dabs", "kid takes dab", "1 gram dab", "2 gram dab", "3 gram dab", "4 gram dab", "5 gram dab", "6 gram dab", "morning dabs", "breakfast dabs", "afternoon dabs", "lunch dabs", "evening dabs," "dinner dabs", "dabs all day", "dab life", almost any word combined with dab.After you watch 100 plus dab videos you will probably be shocked at this whole dabbing business. You might even ask yourself, "How did America turn into a dabbed out nation, dabbing nonstop?"In order to support the Dab Madness progression in concentrate consumption, the black market had to increase marijuana production by a factor of 8 to 14, and will continue to increase unless the Dab Madness is stopped.
The average black market concentrate consumer consumes between 150 grams to 3,500 grams of concentrate each per year (shatter, oil, butter, wax, crumble, rosin etc.)America does not need to be a country where 20% of the population has a slab of shatter on their desk, and 10 times per day they fire up their torch to have a slab dab. There are tens of thousands possibly hundreds of thousands of illegal at home hash lab operations right now in America.The entire legal marijuana system needs major reform.All marijuana concentrate should be banned. Only actual sick medical marijuana patients should be able to consume marijuana concentrates. America's only hope is that President Donald Trump will end the 20 years of failed marijuana policy and save the country from this Marijuana Insanity. The current corrupt legalization and regulation tracking software being used in America is also being used in Canada, Jamaica and Australia.
The corrupt software has achieved global penetration.Canada has a very unique opportunity that no other country in the world currently has. Canada plans to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana for adult use in 2018. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is driving the Canadian car and he has the chance to not drive his country off the marijuana financial cliff into the abyss, if he has the courage to make a minor policy turn that would protect the future of his country and its children. Continued opposition to rational marijuana reform will only make a terrible problem much worse.