Pilgrims in Stone presents a study of the stone pilgrim-imagery from the Gallo-Roman shrine to Sequanae, goddess of the river Seine at its spring-source, Fontes Sequanae near Dijon in Burgundy. The work results from a longstanding programme of research into Gallo-Roman healing sanctuaries and the rituals associated with such sites, and from an especial concern with the manner in which the worshippers at these curative spring-shrines presented themselves iconographically. The images of the supplicants to these sanctuaries, or of models of body-parts depicting specific maladies, express the desire, on the part of worshippers, to communicate with the supernatural forces who were the perceived recipients of veneration . The study comprises an in-depth investigation into the religious and social significance of the cult of Sequana at Fontes Sequanae, as expressed by the iconography presented as offerings by her devotees.
Pilgrims in Stone : Stone Images from the Gallo-Roman Sanctuary of Fontes Sequanae