In a world fascinated with the supernatural realm many go on the dark side searching for identity andsupport with the difficulties of life. Some have fallen prey to the enemy's fallacy that there is noreturning. For others these experiences have become cyclical.Jesus came on an assignment "to destroy the works of the Devil" and that He did when He cried out "Itis finished, man's redemption is complete." We no longer have to live under sin's bondage. We can be,must be, and stay free.Through personal experience, lessons from God's word, and instructions David Grant has put forth inthis volume a guide to aid individuals in maintaining their freedom that comes through deliverance byclosing the door.David is currently engaged in writing three other works: "Rethinking Prayer and its Effectiveness","Navigating the 'C' of parenting", and "Accessing the Supernatural Realm" all of which are instructionalin nature.
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