Table of Contents Foreword: The Spirit Hidden Within the Grid Clay McLeod Chapman Introduction: Gaps and Frames Brandon R. Grafius and John W. Morehead Part One: The Classics Justice through the Resurrection of the Dead: Moral Theology and Eschatology in EC Comics Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr. Holy Horror: DC Comics' the Spectre as Theodic Monster Brandon Dean Capitalism as a Religion: Political Theology and Alan Moore's From Hell Jon Greenaway "The Power of Sequential Art Compels You!": Exorcism in Comics John McGuire and Adam Possamai Religion and Racial Horror: Comics Voodoo in the Golden Yvonne Chireau Part Two: To Hell and Back Children of God: Divine Abuse and the Devil in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Lucinda Holdsworth "Violent persons must always be disobeyed": René Girard in Conversation with Ghost Rider: The War for Heaven Neal Foster The Mother, the Daughter, and the Wholly Monster: Personhood in Monstress Emily FitzGerald Part Three: Beyond Marvel and "But you are dead": Life-Death Ambiguation in Yukito Ayatsuji and Hiro Kiyohara's Another and Revelation 3:1-6 Kai Akagi Nothing Is What It Seems, No One Is Who They Are: The Problem of "Religion" in the Work of Junji Douglas E. Cowan TNT and the Myths He Bu(r)sts: Analyzing the Subversive Portrayal of Tantriks in City of Sorrows Debaditya Mukhopadhyay Part Four: Breaking the Frames Mingling the Sacred and the Abject in The Devil is a Handsome Man's "The Case of the Cryers" Ayanni C.H. Cooper Gideon Falls: Cosmic Horror in a Gnostic Cosmos Vasileios M.
Meletiadis "But three days later, my brother came from the woods": (Un)Divine Horror in Emily Carroll's Through the Woods Brianna Anderson About the Contributors Index.