"Truthful, romantic, and compulsively readable, A Million Quiet Revolutions is filled with a million quiet revelations about living as your true self--whoever, wherever, and whenever you happen to be. I loved it." -- Dashka Slater, New York Times bestselling author of The 57 Bus "Gow effortlessly reminds us that we queer people join a long lineage of historical queer people who might have dreamed of us as much as we dream of them." -- Eliot Schrefer, author of National Book Award finalists Endangered and Threatened "Told in achingly beautiful verse, Gow tells the story of two trans-teens, both boys, as they struggle with identity and family and most of all, first love." --Donna Freitas, author of The Big Questions Book of Sex & Consent , The Healer , and The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano "Robin Gow's A Million Quiet Revolutions is a stunning, lyrical love story about discovering our identity (and what that means for us) and the importance of seeing ourselves reflected in history. A gorgeous debut." -- Nicole Melleby, author of Hurricane Season and In The Role of Brie Hutchens "An aching love letter to trans relationships that is equal parts nostalgic, raw, and hopeful." -- H.
E. Edgmon, author of The Witch King "A beautifully written novel in verse about self-discovery and first love.A stunning YA debut." -- School Library Journal Online, STARRED REVIEW "Aaron and Oliver are frustrated that much of history ignores "what it was like to live as someone / other than a / white / Protestant / land-owning / man," and as they discover that life needn't follow gender binaries, their revelations ring with authenticity." -- BookPage, STARRED REVIEW "A sweet and highly earnest transgender love story." -- Kirkus "Sweet details.and steadfast romance make for a compelling journey. -- Publishers Weekly.