My family and I, all seven of us, had just moved from the city of Portland, Maine, to the beautiful suburbs of South Portland. Part of our journey took us over the Fore River bridge, which was called the Million-Dollar Bridge and which, as you will see, played a very important role in my life. The move to Portland just happened to coincide with my third birthday. On that glorious day, I received a shiny, sparkling new blue tricycle and I couldn't wait to use it. My mother asked me to go to the corner, about fifty yards from my house, and wait for our baby sitter, Charlene, who was coming from Portland. I waited impatiently and finally decided I would go meet her. I then proceeded on my beautiful blue tricycle and started peddling towards Portland. This trip included numerous S-turns and one-way streets, which I navigated skillfully.
One of my neighbors, driving by in an old black Ford, tooted his horn. My parents could never figure out why he did not stop me. He must have thought that I was very mature for my age After a series of S-turns, I finally reached the Million Dollar Bridge. I peddled right by the bridge attendant. He must have been asleep. At the end of the bridge, I had to make a strategic decision. I chose the path less traveled to the left and up the hill and what a hill it was And so begins John Gorham's story. In this touching tribute to his daughter Ashley, John takes us through his life and its many twists, turns and lessons.
From his early days in Portland, ME where he grew up playing playing basketball and baseball, into the Army, and to climbing the forty-eight peaks of New Hampshire that are 4,000 feet or more. John is passing on a wonderful gift to his daughter in this autobiography, A Passion for Persistence.