Do you give love more than you allow yourself to receive it? Discover why you have feared love, rejected it or denied it to such an extent that it seems void in your life. Exercise in this book help you unlearn old interpretations to see things as they are, not as they seem. You may discover that you have merely inherited your unwanted behavior, guilt or anger and no longer have to sustain it. Change happens. As you become your biggest fan and best friend, dependencies of all kinds are subtly abandoned; relationships in conflict are diffused; respect is obtained; self-confidence is strengthened; and love replaces hate. Many good things become free to manifest in your life. Mental and emotional freedom are certain. This book addresses and goes beyond the intellectual understanding of how to find answers and solutions to these inner and outer conflicts.
It provides tools to find answers as well as what to do with those findings. To easily apply the solutions, proven exercises guide you in releasing conflict, guilt, anger and the past for a new peace-filled life once and for all. The exercises will gently guide you as far as you are willing to go in the acceptance of your power to reclaim control of your life and to end your fear, resistance or denial of this power. Nothing is beyond your reach. Nothing is impossible. Welcome to the rest of your life! No experience necessary. Chapters of this book are included with her discussions in her online classes. Exercises in this book provide simple tools used successfully by prior students to create a more joyous and loving life.
Join Helen's online lectures for first-hand experience of her powerful messages, your own miracle healing or a life-changing spiritual aha at