This Workbook guides you beyond knowing what is best for you to doing what is best for you by understanding your thoughts. Lessons in the Workbook can be completed alone or as a group. A Workbook is necessary because you can study a cake recipe and remember every ingredient and associated measurement perfectly. Until you actually bake the cake, you cannot be a real cake maker. With continuous proper application of the basic principles of baking and following the recipe, you will become an excellent cake maker. Follow these Lessons as you would a recipe.As a novice baker, you will make mistakes even though the recipe is right before you. You will spill the batter on the floor, forget an ingredient sometimes, bake it too long and make a terrible mess of the kitchen.
When this happens, just clean up the mess (forgive yourself) and start over. You're not going to hell for these mistakes. Lessons in the Workbook expand upon what you learned from Books 1 and 2 of There's Nothing Going On But Your Thoughts . Each lesson presents a self-healing activity that inspires you to cleanse your thoughts and body as you relinquish guilt, anger, fear and the past. As you complete each step of the lesson, you deepen your spirituality, reclaim control of your life, and raise your level of joy. Responses to the lessons provide a journal of your progress. Sometimes it is difficult to notice how much you have improved, so the journal helps you to see it for yourself. The lessons present simple ideas and principles that work but may be difficult to believe that healing can be that easy.
Questions in each lesson do not lead you to outside sources for emotional healing; they guide you in using your own mind, thoughts and power. Learn to bring out those elements of your being that override fears for success. Also, the lessons help you to see beyond the situation or circumstance, and not put yourself on hold until things "looks right" to go on, until it is "safe" to move forward, or when you are sure you can accomplish this or that. Success becomes your doable expectation. It's time to do this. The more you do it, the better you are at it. As you improve, your confidence will build and you will demonstrate how invincible you are. Nothing and no one else will or can again determine your strength and ability to succeed.
All you need was a gift to you at birth. It cannot change. You are dependent upon no one but your own thoughts. With these new thoughts, you can teach others about the peace you have found.