The most highly anticipated cookbook of 2010 - by Julie Goodwin, Australia's first MasterChef. Since taking out the coveted title of Australia's first MasterChef, Julie Goodwin has been cooking, testing and writing away like mad, preparing to publish her first cookbook. Julie says: 'In this book I'm not just presenting recipes but exploring the role of food in families and communities. I want to get people back into their kitchens and promote the joy of food and family. Our Family Table is full of lovely stories and recipes and feasts, with a strong focus on good old-fashioned tucker. ' Some recipes are heirlooms passed down in Julie's family through generations, while others were given to her by friends and neighbours. There are lazy weekend breakfasts to enjoy with the family, weekday and special occasion dinners, barbecue and camp cooking, and cakes, biscuits and puddings galore. Julie also includes recipes she created on MasterChef - such as her now famous lemon diva cupcakes and her passionfruit 'puddle' pie.
The final section of the book is Julie's favourite: a beautifully designed 'blank' chapter with pages for the reader's own photos, clippings and hand-me-down handwritten recipes from family and friends. With a foreword by Australian culinary icon, Margaret Fulton.