List of Key Concepts and ChronologiesList of Activist BiographiesAcknowledgmentsPart I: Introduction:1 Editors' Introduction: Jeff Goodwin and James M. JasperPart II: When and Why Do Social Movements Occur?Introduction Discussion Questions2 The Civil Rights Movement (from Civil Rights: The 1960s Freedom Struggle): Rhoda Lois Blumberg3 The Women's Movement (from "The Origins of the Women's Liberation Movement"): Jo Freeman4 The Gay Liberation Movement (from Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities): John D'Emilio5 The Iranian Revolution (from "Structural and Perceived Opportunity: The Iranian Revolution of 1979"): Charles KurzmanPart III: Who Joins or Supports Movements?IntroductionDiscussion Questions6 The Free-Rider Problem (from The Logic of Collective Action): Mancur Olson7 Recruits to Civil Rights Activism (from Freedom Summer): Doug McAdam8 Middle-Class Radicalism and Environmentalism (from "Environmentalism, Middle-Class Radicalism and Politics"): Stephen Cotgrove and Andrew Duff9 Who Are the Radical Islamists? (from "Bin Laden and Other Thoroughly Modern Muslims"): Charles KurzmanPart IV: Who Remains in Movements, and Who Drops Out?IntroductionDiscussion Questions10 Generating Commitment Among Students (from "Sacrifice for the Cause: Group Processes, Recruitment, and Commitment in a Student Social Movement"): Eric L. Hirsch11 Sustaining Commitment Among Radical Feminists (from Feminist Generations): Nancy Whittier12 True Believers and Charismatic Cults (from Bounded Choice): Janja Lalich13 Disengaging from Movements (from The Social Psychology of Protest): Bert KlandermansPart V: What Do Movement Participants Think and Feel?IntroductionDiscussion Questions14 World Views of Pro- and Anti-Abortion Activists (from Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood): Kristin Luker15 Ideological Purity in the Women's Movement (from Why We Lost the ERA): Jane J. Mansbridge16 Are Frames Enough? (from "The Art of Reframing Political Debate"): Charlotte Ryan and William A. Gamson17 The Emotions of Protest (from "The Emotions of Protest"): James M. Jasper18 Classic Protest Songs: A List (from Contexts magazine)Part VI: How Are Movements Organized?IntroductionDiscussion Questions19 Social Movement Organizations (from "Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory"): John D. McCarthy and Mayer N. Zald20 Organizational Repertoires (from "Organizational Repertoires and Institutional Change: Women's Groups and the Transformation of U.
S. Politics, 1890-1920"): Elisabeth S. Clemens21 Transnational Environmental Activism (from "Politics Beyond the State: Environmental Activism and World Civic Politics"): Paul Wapner22 The Transnational Network for Democratic Globalization (from Social Movements for Global Democracy): Jackie SmithPart VII: What Do Movements Do?IntroductionDiscussion Questions23 Protest Tactics (from Rules for Radicals): Saul D. Alinsky24 Tactical Innovation in the Civil Rights Movement (from The Origins of the Civil Rights Move.