"a theatre maker of infinite talent and infinite compassion" -- The Guardian "This is a masterly piece, beautifully observed" -- Four stars - Financial Times "Men in the Cities is, as you would expect from Goode, beautifully and often vigorously written." -- Guardian "A moving monologue that connects and alienates in disturbingly equal measures. The content and style of Goode's writing and delivery is full of impact and intrigue. Through the clarity of his depictions of the frustrations and confusions of our life today, he displays a beautifully balanced mind that in itself is a shard of hope. Worth seeing for that alone." -- Edinburgh Guide "Chris Goode has carved himself in a position of undeniable envy as one of the countries strongest and thought-provoking storytellers - It's the ability of Goode to find detail in the everyday minutiae that transcends this from any ordinary piece of storytelling, his attention to detail is second to none." -- The Public Reviews.
Men in the Cities