Oscar González is from El Paso, Texas. He received his Bachelors in History (1998) and Masters in Political Science (2001) from the University of Texas at El Paso. He completed the first draft of THE TROSASIAN FIRE when he was only 15 years old (he had begun writing the story when he was 13). The second version was completed in the spring of 1988--one year following his high school graduation. The third version was completed in the spring of 2005. The final version was completed in 2014. González is currently an Adjunct Professor of Political Science at several universities and is an avid fan of the Star Wars Anthology from George Lucas, the Star Trek Anthology from Gene Roddenberry and the Foundation Anthology from Isaac Asimov. The influence of all three science fiction paradigms can be seen in THE TROSASIAN FIRE.
Facebook page at facebook.com/trosasianfire.