Digital Communication Techniques
Digital Communication Techniques
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Author(s): Gontrand, Christian
ISBN No.: 9781119705260
Pages: 342
Year: 202002
Format: E-Book
Price: $ 245.57
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Acknowledgements ix Preface xi Introduction xiii History Pages xxxv List of Acronyms xxxix Chapter 1. Modulation 1 1.1. Modulation? 1 1.1.1. Main reasons for modulation 1 1.1.

2. Main modulation schemas 1 1.1.3. Criteria for modulation via electronics 2 1.1.4. Digital modulation: why do it? 2 1.

2. Main technical constraints 2 1.3. Transmission of information (analog or digital) 6 1.3.1. Characteristics of the signal that can be modified 7 1.3.

2. Amplitude and phase representation in the complex plane 7 1.4. Probabilities of error 10 1.4.1. Bit error ratio versus signal to noise ratio 11 1.4.

2. Demodulator: intended recipient decoder 12 1.5. Vocabulary of digital modulation 14 1.6. Principles of digital modulations 17 1.6.1.

Polar display 19 1.6.2. Variations of parameters: amplitude, phase, frequency 19 1.6.3. Representation in a complex plane 20 1.6.

4. Eye diagram 21 1.7. Multiplexing 23 1.7.1. Frequency multiplexing 24 1.7.

2. Multiplexing - time 25 1.7.3. Multiplexing - code 26 1.7.4. Geographical (spatial) multiplexing 26 1.

8. Main formats for digital modulations 26 1.8.1. Phase-shift keying 28 1.8.2. BPSK 31 1.

8.3. The QPSK 37 1.9. Error vector module and phase noise 63 1.9.1. Plot QPSK reference constellation 69 1.

9.2. Effects of phase noise on 16-QAM 75 1.9.3. Phase noise: effects of the signal spectrum 76 1.9.4.

Algorithms 78 1.9.5. Spectrum analyzer 79 1.9.6. Measures of the error vector module of a signal modulated by a noisy 16-QAM 81 1.10.

Gaussian noise (AWGN) 81 1.10.1. AWGN channel 83 1.10.2. Ratio between EsNo and SNR 84 1.10.

3. Behavior for real and complex input signals 85 1.11. QAM modulation in an AWGN channel 85 1.11.1. QAM demodulation 89 1.11.

2. Detecting phase error 90 1.12. Frequency-shift keying 93 1.12.1. Binary FSK 94 1.13.

Minimum-shift keying 95 1.13.1. Bit error ratio (BER)/Gaussian channel 97 1.13.2. Typical analytical expressions used in "berawgn" 98 1.14.

Amplitude-shift keying 99 1.14.1. On-off keying 99 1.14.2. Modulation at "M states" 101 1.15.

Quadrature amplitude modulation 104 1.15.1. Limits on theoretical spectral efficiency 105 1.15.2. I/Q imbalance 106 1.15.

3. QAM-M constellations 109 1.16. Digital communications transmitters 117 1.16.1. A digital communications receiver 118 1.16.

2. Measures of power 120 1.16.3. Power of the adjacent channel 121 1.16.4. Frequency measures 121 1.

16.5. Synchronization measures 123 1.17. Applications 129 1.17.1. Domains 129 1.

17.2. Digressions or precisions, around modulations 131 Chapter 2. Some Developments in Modulation Techniques 137 2.1. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing 137 2.1.1.

Introduction 137 2.1.2. Multicarrier modulations 138 2.1.3. General principles 143 2.1.

4. How to choose N? 145 2.1.5. Practical aspects 145 2.1.6. COFDM 147 2.

1.7. Equalization and decoding 149 2.1.8. The multiuser context 150 2.1.9.

Code division multiple access 150 2.1.10. Schematic ordinogram 152 2.1.11. Data in OFDM 155 2.1.

12. OFDM: advantages and disadvantages 156 2.1.13. Intermediate conclusion 157 2.1.14. QPSK and OFDM with MATLAB system objects 159 2.

1.15. FDM versus OFDM: difference between FDM and OFDM 162 2.2. A note on orthogonality 170 2.3. Global System for Mobile Communications 174 2.3.

1. Introduction 174 2.3.2. Forming a GSM 175 2.4. MIMO 178 2.4.

1. Introduction 178 2.4.2. Principles 178 2.4.3. Uses 182 Chapter 3.

Signal Processing: Sampling 183 3.1. Z-transforms 183 3.1.1. Transforms 183 3.1.2.

Inverse z-transform 184 3.2. Basics of signal processing 187 3.3. Real discretezation processing 190 3.3.1. Real discretization comb 190 3.

3.2. Real sampled signal 191 3.3.3. Blocked, sampled signal 191 3.3.4.

Model of real sampled signals 192 3.3.5. Uniform quantifying 192 3.3.6. Signal quantification step: rounding 192 3.3.

7. Signal quantification step: troncature 193 3.3.8. Quantification solution 193 3.3.9. Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN): a simple but effective model 193 3.

3.10. Quantification error and quantification noise 193 3.3.11. In practice, sample and hold and CAN 194 3.3.12.

Spectra of periodic signals 195 3.3.13. Non-periodic signal spectrums 195 3.3.14. PSD versus delay 197 3.3.

15. FT of a product: the Plancherel theorem 197 3.3.16. Periodic signal before sampling 198 3.3.17. Spectrum of sampled signals 198 3.

3.18. Conditions for sampling frequency 199 3.4. Coding techniques (summary) 200 Chapter 4. A Little on Associated Hardware 203 4.1. Voltage-controlled oscillator 203 4.

2. Impulse sensitivity function 209 4.3. Phase noise 210 4.3.1. At passage to zero 212 4.3.

2. At the peaks 212 4.4. Phase-locked loop 219 4.4.1. Study of a fundamental tool: the PLL 219 4.4.

2. Schematic structure of the PLL 220 4.4.3. Operation of the loop: acquisition and locking 222 4.4.4. Charge pump 229 Conclusion 231 Appendices 233 Appendix 1 235 Appendix 2 243 Appendix 3 263 References 291 Index 293.

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