VOLUME 1: THE ''YOUTH PROBLEM'' Part One: The Sociology of Childhood and Youth Childhood in History - P. Thane Constructions and Reconstructions of British Childhood: An interpretative survey, 1800 to the present - H. Hendrick The Origins of Adolescence - J. Springhall Childhood Matters: An introduction - J. Qvortrup The Sociological Child - A. James, C. Jenks, and A. Prout Part Two: The Discovery of Delinquency Report of Committee into Juvenile Delinquency (1816) The Invention of Juvenile Delinquency in Early Nineteenth Century England - S.
Magarey The Rise of Juvenile Delinquency in England 1780-1840: Changing patterns of perception and prosecution - P. King The Idea of Juvenile Crime in 19th Century England - H. Shore Part Three: The Origins of Juvenile Justice Innocence and Experience: The evolution of the concept of juvenile delinquency in the mid-nineteenth century - M. May Criminal and Destitute Children (1853) - Select Committee Report The Triumph of Benevolence: The origins of the juvenile justice system in the United States - A. Platt Part Four: Representations and Realities Representations of the Young - C. Griffin Steal to survive: The social crime of working class children 1890-1940 - S. Humphries Delinquency and the Age Structure of Society - D. Greenberg Young People, Culture and the Construction of Crime: Doing wrong versus doing crime - M.
Presdee VOLUME 2: JUVENILE CORRECTIONS Part Five: Welfare, Justice and Risk Management Children in Trouble - Home Office (1968) Wider, Stronger and Different Nets: The dialectics of criminal justice reform - J. Austin and B. Krisberg Corporatism: The third model of juvenile justice - J. Pratt Explaining and Preventing Crime: The globalisation of knowledge - D. Farrington Predicting Criminality?: Risk factors, neighbourhood influence and desistance - C. Webster, R. MacDonald and M. Simpson Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Just a technique or a fully fledged alternative? - L.
Walgrave Part Six: Punitiveness Entitlement to Cruelty: The end of welfare and the punitive mentality in the United States - J. Simon Deadly symbiosis: When ghetto and prison meet and mesh - L. Wacquant Waiver and Juvenile Justice Reform: Widening the punitive net - A. Merlo, P. Benekos and W. Cook Taking Liberties: Policy and the punitive turn - B. Goldson Girls at Risk? Reflections on changing attitudes to young women''s offending - A. Worrall Part Seven: International and Comparative Youth Justice Trends in International Juvenile Justice: What conclusions can be drawn? - J.
Junger-Tas The Globalization of Crime Control - the Case of Youth and Juvenile Justice: Neo-liberalism, policy convergence and international conventions - J. Muncie Public Safety and the Management of Fear - R. Van Swaaningen Law and order as a Leftist Project?: The case of Sweden - H. Tham Conferencing in Australia and New Zealand: Variations, research findings and prospects - K. Daly Italy: A lesson in tolerance? - D. Nelken Youth Crime and Crime Control in Contemporary Japan - M. Fenwick VOLUME 3: CHILDREN''S RIGHTS AND STATE RESPONSIBILITIES Part Eight: The International Human Rights Framework Convention on the Rights of the Child - United Nations General Assembly (1989) Resolution 60/231: Rights of the child - United Nations General Assembly (2006) General Comment No. 10: Children''s rights in juvenile justice - United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (2007) Part Nine: Rights and Justice: Rhetoric and Reality International Human Rights Law: Imperialist, inept and ineffective? Cultural relativism and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - S.
Harris-Short Global Inequalities - H. Penn Justice as a Two-Way Street - D. Cook Juvenile Justice: The ''Unwanted Child'': Why the potential of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is not being realized, and what we can do about it - B. Abramson Juvenile Justice Rhetoric - J. Miller Part Ten: Abuses and Violations Expanding Realms of the New Penology: The advent of actuarial justice for juveniles - K. Kempf-Leonard and E. Peterson Challenging Girls'' Invisibility in Juvenile Court - M. Chesney-Lind The New Removals: Aboriginal youth in the Queensland juvenile justice system - I.
O''Connor Shackled in the Land of Liberty: No rights for children - W. Mohr, R J. Gelles and I.M. Schwartz Fatal Injustice: Rampant punitiveness, child-prisoner deaths and institutionalised denial - a case for comprehensive independent inquiry in England and Wales - B. Goldson Part Eleven: Rethinking Juvenile Justice The Way Forward - P.S. Pinheiro Challenging the Criminalization of Children and Young People: Securing a rights-based agenda - P.
Scraton and D. Haydon Youth Justice? The impact of system contact on patterns of desistance from offending - L. McAra and S. McVie Rethinking Youth Justice: Comparative analysis, international human rights and research evidence - B. Goldson and J. Muncie.