The extraordinary Secret Language series, with more than a million copies in print, changed the way we think about astrology books. In this third installment, The Secret Language of Destiny, bestselling author Gary Goldschneider uses his unique astrological system known as personology to reveal the karmic journey we're destined to take. Looking at specific information based on birthdate and the astrology chart, Goldschneider delineates a person's forty-eight possible life paths. Ultimately, he answers the one question we all ask ourselves: What is our purpose in life? Each of the forty-eight karmic paths outlined in this volume begins with a starting point based on a person's innate talents and abilities. From there the path extends in the direction of one's intended growth, culminating in one's destiny. Of course, the karmic paths alone cannot address the subtle variations in each person's unique journey. Thus, this revolutionary book also outlines the ways in which people born during each of the forty-eight personology periods can best navigate the directions their lives will take. In this manner, readers can use their birth-date to discover their individualized destinies.
As always, The Secret Language of Destiny shares the names and photographs of famous people past and present who have followed each karmic path. Further, Goldschneider analyzes how the most relevant of these notables have successfully navigated their karmic paths, shedding light on the nuances of the journey itself. Complete with 1,300 black-and-white photographs and 2,500 pieces of decorative line art, this is the ultimate sourcebook for answering one of life's greatest questions. Beautiful, intelligent, and thoughtful, The Secret Language of Destiny will delight fans of the Secret Language three-book series, spiritual seekers of all stripes, casual fans of astrology, and anyone who has ever contemplated his purpose in life and wondered what the future might hold.