"You have caught him well, and no one else has remotely touched what you have done about the fight against organized crime. So it is important as well as moving." --Anthony Lewis, The New York Times "Mr. Goldfarb's descriptions of the investigative and prosecutorial processes are dead-accurate and engrossing. He richly details the intellectual, ethical and emotional challenges." --Lloyd George Parry, The Baltimore Sun "Goldfarb gives readers something unexpected - a portrait of the younger Kennedy that even those well-versed in the RFK literature will find intriguing." --Anthony R. Dolan, The Washington Monthly "This insider's view of RFK's campaign against organized crime shows us the workaday world of the Attorney General and his single-mindedness in combating 'the roots of evil.
' Without romanticizing RFK, Goldfarb presents us with a genuine visionary." --Publishers Weekly "Goldfarb provides an insightful account of Robert F. Kennedy's tenure as U.S. attorney general and his crusade against organized crime. [This] detailed courtroom memoir fills a major gap in the history of the Kennedy era." --Library Journal "Mr. Goldfarb's superbly written book provides insight to an important and often overlooked aspect of Robert Kennedy's forthright concept of public office.
hitting organized crime head on." -- Judge Lawrence Walsh.