"Wherever one is within their medical training . this book is an effective companion aid for ECGs." "This is an exceptional reference for providers and trainees of multiple levels who are interested or involved in EKG interpretation." Reviewed by Samy Abdelghani, MD (Oschner Clinic Foundation) for Doody's Review Service "The 9 th Edition of Goldberger's Clinical Electrocardiography - A Simplified Approach eloquently covers all aspects of ECGs, from essential concepts to specialised topics. Wherever one is within their medical training, whether as a medical student, trainee or specialist, this book is an effective companion aid for ECGs. For medical students, it provides an in-depth understanding of basic concepts and then common abnormalities -brilliant preparation for exams! For more experienced trainees, it is a perfect reference, full of clinical examples, diagnoses and management tips. Furthermore, it covers a vast range of specialist areas, ensuring it is a valuable tool for even the most experienced cardiologist." Reviewed by Nikita P Punjabi, Nikhil Sahdev, and Prakash P Punja for Perfusion (2017, Volume 32(8) 709) "The basic principles introduce standard ECG terminology, measurements, and definitions with clarity and precision necessary for initial knowledge accumulation; these chapters also include some introductory perspective on spatial-vector principles that is ultimately necessary for more intuitive understanding of the ECG.
F or both initial parts of the text, clinical perspectives that include treatment options provide additional practical orientation that also will benefit more experienced electrocardiographers, so this is not just a book for introductory students." Reviewed by Paul Kligfield, MD (Weil Cornell Medical College) for Journal of Electrocardiology.