In the ashes of tragedy, a journey of faith and redemption begins. Chenoa Applewood's world collapses when a devastating fire claims the life of her beloved husband and his brothers, along with the family's sawmill. Now, she faces the daunting task of forging a new path amidst overwhelming loss-something she doesn't feel brave enough or strong enough to tackle. When Isaac Jones, a stranger from Idaho Territory, arrives seeking equipment from the Applewood mill, Chenoa reluctantly agrees to help. What begins as a simple act of duty soon becomes a cross-country journey that forces her to confront her grief, wrestle with faith, rethink her own limitations, and open her heart to the possibilities of new beginnings. Set against the rugged backdrop of Colorado Territory in 1874, By the Creek of Harod is a moving Christian historical romance filled with themes of healing, faith, courage, and second chances. This soul-stirring novel, with its powerful message of redemption, captivates readers as it demonstrates how God's grace can bring beauty from ashes. In this unforgettable story, discover how, even in the darkest moments, the love of God can guide the way to healing and restoration as one woman journeys from the ashes of despair to the dawn of new beginnings.
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