Partial table of contents: The Field of Political Geography. Perceptions of the Political World. THE STATE. State, Nations and Nation-State. Modern Theories About States. Frontiers and Boundaries. Unitary, Federal and Regional States. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY WITHIN THE STATE.
Civil Divisions of the United States. The Geography of Elections. IMPERIALISM, COLONIALISM AND DECOLONIZATION. Colonial Empires. The Aftermath of Colonialism. GEOPOLITICS. Historical Concepts in Geopolitics. The Geography of War and Peace.
CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. International Law. Economic Integration. Regional and Subregional Organizations. Outlaws and Merchants of Death. OUR LAST FRONTIERS. The Political Geography of the Sea. Outer Space.
THE POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY OF EVERYDAY LIFE. The Politics of Religion, Language and Ethnic Diversity. The Politics of Population, Migration and Food. LOOKING AHEAD. Political Geography for the Future. Indexes.