Mentor and motivator, Nadia Giordana developed a customizable Lifestyle GPS system(TM) her readers can use to design roadmaps to affect their personal transformations or create new chapters in their lives. This book takes the reader step-by-step through the author's seven steps to reinventing new chapters in your life: 1) You will learn to reshape a healthier body and attitude, 2) realign relationships that are out of sync, 3) redirect your thought patterns towards the possibilities, 4) rediscover the magic in your life, and 5) remove lingering regrets. 6) Then you'll learn to rewrite an exciting new chapter in your life and 7) enjoy the excitement that comes with revealing and living it. The author not only transformed her personal appearance when she lost 80+ pounds at the age of 60, she went on to conquer a paralyzing fear of public speaking. She now inspires and motivates other women living their second act to reawaken sidelined dreams.
Reinventing New Chapters in Your Life at Any Age : 7 Steps to Making It Happen