Notes on Editors and Contributors vii Acknowledgments xii Abbreviations xiii Introduction Terri Ginsberg and Andrea Mensch 1 First Movement: Destabilization 23 1 Have Dialectic, Will Travel: The GDR Indianerfilme as Critique and Radical Imaginary 27 Dennis Broe 2 Coming Out into Socialism: Heiner Carow's Third Way 55 David Brandon Dennis 3 German Identity, Myth, and Documentary Film 82 Julia Knight 4 Post-Reunification Cinema: Horror, Nostalgia, Redemption 110 Anthony Enns 5 "Capitalism Has No More Natural Enemies": The Berlin School 134 David Clarke 6 Projecting Heimat : On the Regional and the Urban in Recent Cinema 155 Jennifer Ruth Hosek 7 No Happily Ever After: Disembodying Gender, Destabilizing Nation in Angelina Maccarone's Unveiled 175 Gayatri Devi Second Movement: Dislocation 193 8 Views across the Rhine: Border Poetics in Straub-Huillet's Machorka-Muff (1962) and Lothringen! (1994) 197 Claudia Pummer 9 Contested Spaces: Kamal Aljafari's Transnational Palestinian Films 218 Peter Limbrick 10 Fatih Akýn's Homecomings 249 Savas Arslan 11 Lessons in Liberation: Fassbinder's Whity at the Crossroads of Hollywood Melodrama and Blaxploitation 260 Priscilla Layne 12 Sexploitation Film from West Germany 287 Harald Steinwender and Alexander Zahlten 13 A Documentarist at the Limits of Queer: The Films of Jochen Hick 318 Robert M. Gillett 14 Models of Masculinity in Postwar Germany: The Sissi Films and the West German Wiederbewaffnungsdebatte 341 Nadja Krämer 15 Crossdressing, Remakes, and National Stereotypes: The Germany-Hollywood Connection 379 Silke Arnold-de Simine Third Movement: Disidentification 405 16 The Aesthetics of Ethnic Cleansing: A Historiographic and Filmic Analysis of Andres Veiel's Balagan 409 Domenica Vilhotti 17 Margarethe von Trotta's Rosenstrasse : "Feminist Re-Visions" of a Historical Controversy 429 Sally Winkle 18 The Baader Oedipus Complex 462 Vojin Sasa Vukadinovic´ 19 Dislocations: Videograms of a Revolution and the Search for Images 483 Frances Guerin 20 Germany Welcomes Back Its Jews: Go for Zucker! and the Women in German Debate ( aka Wiggie-leaks: A Polemical Analysis) 507 Terri Ginsberg 21 Screening the German Social Divide: Aelrun Goette's Die Kinder sind tot 526 David James Prickett 22 A Negative Utopia: Michael Haneke's Fragmentary Cinema 553 Tara Forrest Index 573.
A Companion to German Cinema