"Beginning PHP 5 and MySQL: From Novice to Professional" offers a comprehensive introduction to two of the most popular open-source technologies on the planet: the PHP scripting language and the MySQL database server. You are not only exposed to the core features of both technologies, but will also gain valuable insight into how they are used in unison to create dynamic data-driven web applications, not to mention learn about many of the undocumented features of the most recent versions. The first part of the book is devoted to PHP's foundational features, with special focus on those new to PHP 5, including the improved object-oriented support, exception handling, SQLite support, SimpleXML, and much more. But PHP 5-specific topics are only part of what's covered; you'll also learn about the language's core capabilities, beginning with a survey of installation and configuration tasks. Early chapters are devoted to basic PHP programming concepts such as variables, datatypes, arrays, string manipulation, and user interaction. Later chapters cover session handling, LDAP integration, the Smarty templating engine, and Web Services support. Next up is a broad overview of the powerful MySQL database server. Among other topics, you'll learn about the installation and configuration process, datatypes, key security features, and various administration utilities.
With this groundwork in pace, you'll then learn about PHP's assortment of MySQL functions, accompanied by dozens of examples depicting the creation and execution of queries. You'll also learn how to perform searches, and manage database transactions. Whether you're a newcomer searching for a thorough introduction to these popular technologies, or a seasoned developer in need of a comprehensive reference, this book is for you. Table of Contents An Introduction to PHP Installing and Configuring PHP PHP Basics Functions Arrays Object-Oriented PHP Advanced OOP Features Error and Exception Handling Strings and Regular Expressions Working with the File and Operating System Forms and Navigational Cues Authentication Handling File Uploads Networking with PHP PHP and LDAP Session Handlers Templating with Smarty Web Services Secure PHP Programming SQLite MySQL: The Disruptive Database Installing and Configuring MySQL The Many MySQL Clients MySQL Table Structures Securing MySQL PHP's MySQL Functionality Practical Database Queries Indexes and Searching Transactions Importing and Exporting Data ".