Liam Gillick , born 1964 is an English conceptual artist living in New York. He installed his work Frankfurter Küche at the Venice Biennale 2009 in the German pavilion. He exhibited worldwide, amongst others, 2002 at Whitechapel Gallery in London, Palais de Tokyo in Paris 2005, 2008 until 2010 with an ongoing project at the Kunsthalle Zurich, Witte de With in Rotterdam, Kunstverein Munich, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. His work often was associated with the term Relational Art. Robert Fleck , born 1957, is an art historian and curator, he is now professor at the academy in Dusseldorf for art history. His career started 1991 until 1993 as Federal curator of Austria and continued as journalist in France for the German monthly, art . Before he became 2004 director of the Deichtorhallen Hamburg, he was 1998 co-curator of Manifesta together with Maria Lind and Barbara Vanderlinden. His successful exhibtions at Deichtorhallen--amongst others he was showing Michel Majerus, Jonathan Meese, Hans Haacke, Erwin Wurm, Georg Baselitz, Fischli & Weiss, and Stephan Balkenhol--lead him to the engagement as intendant of the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepulik Deutschland in Bonn.
Liam Gillick : Kat. Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD