Stuart Gillespie: Editor's Introduction Charles Tomlinson: Why Dryden's Translations Matter Felicity Rosslyn: Dryden: Poet or Translator? Jan Parker: Teaching Troubled Texts: Virgil, Dryden, and Exemplary Translation Robin Sowerby: Augustan Dryden Kenneth Haynes: Dryden: Classical or Neoclassical? Philip Smallwood: Dryden's Criticism as Transfusion Tom Mason: 'Et versus digitos habet': Dryden, Montaigne, Lucretius, Virgil, and Boccaccio in Praise of Venus Paul Davis: 'But slaves we are': Dryden and Virgil, Translation and the 'Gyant Race' Paul Davis: Review Essay: Dryden at his Tercentenary (John Dryden: Tercentenary Essays, edited by Paul Hammond and David Hopkins) Tom Mason: Review Essay: John Dryden: The Living and the Dead (Dryden and the Traces of Classical Rome, by Paul Hammond; The Just and the Lively: The Literary Criticism of John Dryden, by Michael Werth Gelber Index.
John Dryden - Classicist and Translator