Daniel's Heroes is a coming-of-age story about a seventeen-years old Romanian Jewish tennis prodigy. The story follows Daniel's struggle to find his true self through a labyrinth of places, political events, and personal experiences, all the while enjoying an affluent lifestyle made possible by his athletic talent and powerful father. Finding his identity, though, is made no easier by his ominous sense of existing between conflicting worlds, be they of the mind, place, or heart. In stark contrast, Daniel's father, the other main protagonist whose life is chronicled side-by-side with Daniel's, had no doubts about who he was since he was a five-year old boy living in a Russian shtetl. A feisty, fearless street fighter against Jew-haters, with life-long deep-seated hatred for anti-Semites, and a hero to Iasi's Jews before the Second World War, his is a rise-and-fall story in post-war communist Romania. A loose and short-lived communist sympathizer, he manages to reach power, clout, and influence within the Militia, one of the pillars of the oppressive regime.Daniel's and his father's stories place them at the centre of the defining events of their eras, drawing a sobering fresco of the social and political realities of times and places which could not have been more different: a pre-communist Romania, a communist Romania, a Zionist Israel, and a multicultural Canada. Intriguing and absorbing, this page-turner of a story takes the reader into a highly suspenseful journey up to its very last page, where the full extent of Daniel's personal predicament unravels.
Ultimately, the novel's both ambition and great achievement is to shed light on our human capacity for sacrifice for what we truly love, - love which can come in many forms. Note: inspired by events in both the author's and his father's lives, this gripping story is a work of fiction.