Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
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Author(s): Garraway, Barry M.
ISBN No.: 9783527411726
Pages: 450
Year: 202512
Format: Trade Paper
Price: $ 115.28
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available (Forthcoming)

1. Introduction 1.1 From wave-functions to Dirac notation 1.2 Time evolution and unitary mappings 2. Two state systems and qubits 2.1 Pauli spin matrices 2.2 The Bloch sphere 2.3 Two qubit systems 2.

4 The no cloning theorem 3. The density operator and density matrix 3.1 Quantum ensembles & the density operator 3.2 Purity of quantum states 3.3 The Bloch sphere and the density matrix 3.4 The reduced density operator 3.5 Correlation and entanglement 3.6 Distance between two states 4.

Photons and quantum field states 4.1 Quantised cavity field, free field, and the harmonic oscillator. 4.2 Cavity vs. running wave quantization 4.3 Polarisation of photons 4.4 The number state 4.5 The thermal field 4.

6 The coherent state 5. Atom and photon 5.1 Atoms and cavities 5.1.1 The Jaynes-Cummings cavity-atom model 5.1.2 A cavity system with a three-level atom: photons on demand 5.1.

3 The Dicke model 5.2 Atoms and non-linear optical processes 5.2.1 Parametric down-conversion 5.2.2 Two-mode Squeezing 5.2.3 Single mode Squeezing 6.

Quasi-probabilities, operators, and operator algebra 6.1 Operator theorems (I-IV) 6.2 Displacement operator 6.3 Coherent state as a basis 6.4 P-function & Q-function 6.5 Wigner function 6.6 The quantum phase operator 7. Detector theory and correlation functions 7.

1 Detectors 7.2 Theory of a physical detector 7.3 The photon number distribution and photon counting 7.4 Correlation functions: G1, g1, and Young''s slits 7.5 Correlation functions: g2 and the Hanbury-Brown-Twiss experiment 8. The Beam-splitter 8.1 Beam-splitter theory 8.2 The beam-splitter and phase choices 8.

3 The beam-splitter and coherent states 8.4 The beam-splitter with two photons 8.5 The Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment 8.6 The Mach-Zehnder set-up 8.7 A quantum bomb detector 9. Quantum entanglement and some applications 9.1 Introduction to Quantum measurement 9.2 Quantum cryptography 9.

2.1 BB84 protocol 9.2.2 B92 protocol 9.2.3 Ekert protocol 9.3 Quantum teleportation 9.4 Quantum dense coding 9.

5 Quantum repeaters and Quantum memory 9.6 Entanglement distillation 9.7 Non-locality and the Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen paradox 9.8 Bell''s inequalities 9.9 Generalised measurement (POVM) 9.10 Example POVM problems 10. Decay of quantum systems 10.1 Introduction to decoherence 10.

2 The bath model 10.3 Derivation of the master equation 10.4 Examples of master equations and decaying quantum systems 10.4.1 Decay of an atom 10.4.2 Decay of a number state 10.4.

3 Decay of a coherent state 10.4.4 Decay of a "Schrödinger cat" 10.4.5 Master equation for dephasing 10.5 Unravelling a master equation 10.6 Measurement and the environment 10.7 Theory of effective modes 10.

8 Measure of non-Markovianity 11. Cooling and trapping atoms with photons 11.1 Kinetic action of light on matter 11.2 Doppler cooling 11.3 Trapped atoms 11.4 Trapped ions 11.4.1 Paul trap and Penning trap 11.

4.2 Lamb-Dicke limit 11.4.3 Cooling trapped ions 12. Measures of quantum information and entanglement 12.1 Quantum information and quantum entropy 12.2 Mutual information and the Araki-Lieb inequality 12.3 Concurrence 12.

4 The tangle 12.5 Global entanglement 12.6 Quantum discord 13. Quantum gates 13.1 Quantum gates 13.2 Rotations and one-qubit gates 13.3 Two qubit gates 13.4 Three or more qubit gates 14.

Quantum computing: algorithms 15. Physical systems for quantum computing 15.1 Ion traps 15.2 Linear optical Quantum computing 15.3 Cavity QED for Quantum computing 15.4 Circuit QED and superconducting qubits 15.5 Condensed matter: quantum dots 15.6 NMR Quantum computing 15.

7 Cluster state Quantum computing 15.8 Continuous variable Quantum computing 16. Reference section 16.1 Introduction to the reference section 16.2 Additional theorems 16.3 Single mode states 16.3.1 Number state 16.

3.2 Coherent state 16.3.3 Squeezed vacuum state 16.3.4 Squeezed coherent state 16.3.5 Thermal state 16.

3.6 Displaced number state 16.3.7 Phase state 16.3.8 Even and odd coherent states 16.3.9 Yurke-Stoler cat state 16.

3.10 Single mode binomial state 16.4 Multi-mode states 16.4.1 The Bell states 16.4.2 Werner state for 2 qubits 16.4.

3 The X-state for 2 qubits 16.4.4 Two-mode squeezed state 16.4.5 Two-mode binomial state 16.4.6 GHZ state for 3 qubits 16.4.

7 GHZ state for N qubits 16.4.8 The W-state for N qubits 16.5 Spin states and additional theorems for spins 16.5.1 Sz eigenstates and ladder operators 16.5.2 Spin coherent states 16.

5.3 Spin squeezed states.

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