Special FeaturesPrefaceAcknowledgmentsA Special Thank-You to Our Filming ParticipantsAbout the ContributorsAbout the AuthorsPART 1 * FOUNDATIONS OF SPECIAL EDUCATIONChapter 1 * Special Education in Context: People, Concepts, and PerspectivesDefinitions and TerminologyCategories and LabelsPrevalence of Children and Young Adults With DisabilitiesA Brief History of the Development of Special EducationCooperative TeachingUniversal Design for LearningExceptionality Across the Life SpanChapter 2 * Policies, Practices, and ProgramsLitigation and Legislation Affecting Special EducationEducational Reform: Standards-Based EducationCivil Rights LegislationIdentification and Assessment of Individual DifferencesReferral and Assessment for Special EducationDesigning Individualized Instructional ProgramsService Delivery Options: Where a Special Education Is ProvidedChapter 3 * Cultural and Linguistic Diversity and ExceptionalityCultural Diversity: The Changing Face of a NationMulticultural Education, Bilingual Education, and Student DiversityDisproportionate Representation of Minority Students in Special Education ProgramsIssues in Assessing Students From Culturally and Linguistically Diverse GroupsEducational Programming for Students With Exceptionalities Who Are Culturally and Linguistically DiverseChapter 4 * Parents, Families, and ExceptionalityParent-Professional Relationships: Changing RolesA Family Systems ApproachThe Effects of a Child''s Disability on Parents and the FamilyStages of Parental Reaction to DisabilityDisability and the FamilyWorking With Families Who Are Culturally and Linguistically DiverseCultural Reactions to DisabilitySuggestions for Facilitating Family and Professional PartnershipsChapter 5 * Assistive TechnologyTechnology in EducationAssistive TechnologyHistory and Legislation of Assistive TechnologyAssistive Technology Decision MakingAssistive Technology and the IEPAssistive Technology CategorizationDevices and ToolsIssues With Assistive TechnologyAssistive Technology Future TrendsPART 2 * A STUDY OF INDIVIDUALS WITH EXCEPTIONALITIESChapter 6 * Individuals With Intellectual DisabilityDefining Intellectual Disability: An Evolving ProcessAssessing Intellectual Ability and Adaptive BehaviorClassification of Individuals With Intellectual DisabilityA Brief History of the FieldPrevalence of Intellectual DisabilityEtiology of Intellectual DisabilityCharacteristics of Individuals With Intellectual DisabilityEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Intellectual DisabilityServices for Young Children With Intellectual DisabilityTransition Into AdulthoodAdults With Intellectual DisabilityFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 7 * Individuals With Learning DisabilitiesDefining Learning DisabilitiesA Brief History of the FieldPrevalence of Learning DisabilitiesEtiology of Learning DisabilitiesCharacteristics of Individuals With Learning DisabilitiesAssessment of Learning DisabilitiesEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Learning DisabilitiesServices for Young Children With Learning DisabilitiesTransition Into AdulthoodAdults With Learning DisabilitiesFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 8 * Individuals With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderDefining Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderA Brief History of the FieldPrevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderEtiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderCharacteristics of Individuals With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAssessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAdolescents and Adults With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderIssues of DiversityChapter 9 * Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral DisordersDefining Emotional or Behavioral DisordersClassification of Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral DisordersA Brief History of the FieldPrevalence of Emotional or Behavioral DisordersEtiology of Emotional or Behavioral DisordersPrevention of Emotional or Behavioral DisordersCharacteristics of Children and Youth With Emotional or Behavioral DisordersAssessing Students With Emotional or Behavioral DisordersEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral DisordersServices for Young Children With Emotional or Behavioral DisordersTransition Into AdulthoodAdults With Emotional or Behavioral DisordersFamily-Centered InterventionsIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 10 * Individuals With Autism Spectrum DisordersDefining Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Evolving ProcessA Brief History of the FieldPrevalence of Autism Spectrum DisordersEtiology of Autism Spectrum DisordersCharacteristics of Individuals With Autism Spectrum DisordersAssessment of Autism Spectrum DisordersEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Autism Spectrum DisordersServices for Young Children With Autism Spectrum DisordersTransition Into AdulthoodAdults With Autism Spectrum DisordersFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 11 * Individuals With Speech and Language ImpairmentsThe Nature of Speech, Language, and CommunicationDefining Speech and Language ImpairmentsClassifying Speech and Language ImpairmentsHistorical PerspectivesPrevalence of Speech and Language ImpairmentsEtiology of Speech and Language ImpairmentsPrevention of Speech and Language ImpairmentsCharacteristics of Individuals With Speech and Language ImpairmentsAssessing Speech and Language ImpairmentsEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Speech and Language ImpairmentsServices for Young Children With Speech and Language ImpairmentsAdolescents and Adults With Speech and Language ImpairmentsFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 12 * Individuals With Hearing ImpairmentsDefinitions and Concepts of Hearing ImpairmentA Brief History of the FieldPrevalence of Hearing ImpairmentEtiology of Hearing ImpairmentCharacteristics of Individuals With Hearing ImpairmentsAssessment of Individuals With Hearing ImpairmentsEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Hearing ImpairmentsServices for Young Children With Hearing ImpairmentsTransition and Individuals With Hearing ImpairmentsServices for Adults With Hearing ImpairmentsFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 13 * Individuals With Visual ImpairmentsDefining Visual ImpairmentsThe Eye and How It WorksClassification of Visual ImpairmentsA Brief History of Visual ImpairmentsPrevalence of Visual ImpairmentsThe Vision Process and Etiology of Visual ImpairmentsPrevention of Visual ImpairmentsCharacteristics of Individuals With Visual ImpairmentsAssessment of Students With Visual ImpairmentsEducational ConsiderationsOrientation and MobilityTechnology and Individuals With Visual ImpairmentsYoung Children With Visual ImpairmentsTransition Into AdulthoodAdults With Visual ImpairmentsFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 14 * Individuals With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesDefining Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesA Brief History of the FieldPrevalence of Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesEtiology of Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesCharacteristics of Individuals With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesAssessment of Students With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesServices for Young Children With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesTransition Into AdulthoodAdults With Physical Disabilities, Health Disabilities, and Related Low-Incidence DisabilitiesFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesChapter 15 * Individuals Who Are Gifted and TalentedDefining Giftedness: Refining the MeaningAssessing Giftedness and TalentDifferences Among Children Who Are Gifted and TalentedA Brief History of the Field of Gifted and Talented EducationPrevalence of Giftedness and TalentEtiology of Giftedness and TalentCharacteristics of Individuals Who Are Gifted and TalentedEducational ConsiderationsTechnology and Individuals Who Are Gifted and TalentedServices for Young Children Who Are Gifted and TalentedAdolescents Who Are Gifted and TalentedFamily IssuesIssues of DiversityTrends, Issues, and ControversiesPostscriptAppendix A: Federal Definitions of DisabilitiesAppendix B: Professional Standards: Council for Exceptional ChildrenGlossaryReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index.
Special Education in Contemporary Society : An Introduction to Exceptionality