One Step Too Far : A Novel
One Step Too Far : A Novel
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Author(s): Gardner, Lisa
ISBN No.: 9780593185452
Pages: 480
Year: 202211
Format: US-Tall Rack Paperback (Mass Market)
Price: $ 13.79
Dispatch delay: Dispatched between 7 to 15 days
Status: Available

Chapter 1 The first three men came stumbling into town shortly after ten a.m., babbling of dark shapes and eerie screams and their missing buddy Scott and their other buddy Tim, who set out from their campsite before dawn to get help. "Bear, bear, bear," first guy moaned. "Mountain lion!" second guy insisted. Third guy vomited. Maybe, maybe not, Marge Santi thought as she sidestepped the spew of liquid. Marge situated the young men in a corner booth of her diner, then got on the phone and summoned Nemeth.

To be polite, Marge also contacted Sheriff Jim Kelley, likeable guy, respected by the locals, but an officer with a whole county to tend and the drive to prove it. For immediate action, Nemeth it was. Nemeth, former Shoshone National Forest district ranger, now local guide, knew what he was doing. First, he plied the three men with coffee. To judge by the rank odor of fear and booze leaking out of their pores, they didn''t need anything else. Two cups later, he had most of the story. Five guys set out into the woods for a bachelor party weekend. All friends since college, all with some experience camping, though the trio agreed future groom Tim was The Man.

Had been backcountry hiking with his father since he was six. He was the reason they were camping. The other four wouldn''t have minded a golf weekend or quality time at a casino/resort. But for Tim, the woods were his happy place, so into the mountains they''d gone. Fully equipped, packs, tents, sleeping bags, two-burner propane camp stove, cans of beans and franks, and yeah, as much beer and Maker''s Mark as five fit young men could carry. Which was to say, a lot. But they weren''t total idiots. Again, Tim knew his shit and oversaw their packing himself.

They''d hiked in seven miles yesterday, looking for the perfect camping spot in one of the deep canyons, near a broad river. Once they found it, they unloaded packs, pitched tents, and popped open the first six-pack, leaving the other four to chill in the ice-cold water. Dusk came fast this time of year. But all was good. They built up a fire, roasted hot dogs, and ate baked beans straight out of the can. Many fart jokes ensued. More beer, followed by whiskey chasers. How much booze can five young healthy men drink? Plenty.

But no place to be, no cars to drive, no nagging cell phones to answer given the lack of reception. Just them and the starlit sky. They killed off the first bottle of Maker''s Mark, started in on the second. Tim sat next to the fire and scratched away on a piece of paper. Working on his wedding vows, writing a letter to his beloved? They teased, but he refused to fess up. Hour grew late. How late, no one knew and it hardly mattered. They finally turned in for the night, two men each in two tents, Tim, the future groom, in a single shell all by himself.

One of his last nights on earth sleeping alone. Should enjoy it while he could, they teased. Then . A sharp keening wail. Crashing in the trees around them. "Grizzly," Neil said now, sitting in the diner. "Mountain lion," Josh insisted. Miggy, short for Miguel, crawled out of the booth and vomited some more.

Maybe, maybe not, Nemeth thought. Marge got a mop. At the camp, the men had burst from their tents, flashlights bobbing, nerves strung tight, trying to pinpoint the source of the disturbance. Build up the fire, Tim demanded. Make noise of their own. Double-check the food stash they''d strung up in the trees away from their campsite. Which is why it took a few minutes, maybe as long as five or ten, before they realized their party of five had become four. Where the hell was Scott? Miggy had been sharing his tent and Miggy had no idea.

"No . fucking idea," Miggy clarified for Nemeth, in between bouts of dry heaving. Tim, future groom, got serious. Scott could''ve wandered off to pee. Scott could''ve just plain wandered off, drunk and disoriented. But given the cold temps, dangerous terrain, and carnivorous local wildlife, they needed to find him. Arranging their group into two pairs, Tim directed the first duo to start searching north of the campfire, while the other would cover the woods to the south. Whoever found Scott first would blow their emergency signal whistle.

Except they didn''t find him. Up and down the water, bushwhacking deeper and deeper into the forest. No Scott. But they did find trampled brush. Broken tree limbs. Possibly blood. "Grizzly bear," Neil moaned. "Mountain lion," Josh ventured.

"Fuck me," Miggy whispered. That, Nemeth agreed with. Four a.m., the fall air brutally crisp, the clear night relentlessly dark, Tim made the decision: They needed help, and given the total lack of cell reception, hiking back out was the only way to get it. As the most experienced-and sober-member of their party, he grabbed his pack, clicked on his trusty headlamp, and set out for civilization. Neil, Josh, and Miggy huddled around the fire for another three hours, pounding water and working themselves into a terrified frenzy. First glimpse of daylight, they refilled their canteens and hit the trail.

Left everything behind. Tents, sleeping bags, food. Young men, fit and now semi-sober, they were on a mission to get the hell out of there as fast as humanly possible. Still tough going. They half ran, half stumbled their way up and down steep terrain, clambering over boulders, careening through brush, splashing across streams. Till they came to the trailhead and their rented ATVs. All five of them. Shouldn''t there be only four? Which is when they started to get worried about Tim.

ATVs to town. Town to diner. And now . help. Nemeth. Sheriff. Cavalry. Hunters with big guns.

Any kind of assistance, all kinds of assistance. Help. Nemeth unfolded a topographical map, had the men walk him through their journey. They knew their initial path, which, like a lot of backcountry trails, started out marked before hitting rugged, less traversed terrain. Definitely not for the faint of heart. But the men could guess where along the river they''d camped. From there, Nemeth ran his finger along various geological features, thinking, thinking, thinking. Marge worked the phone, brewed more coffee.

Being a mountain town, they had a local team of fifteen volunteer search and rescuers. Given the circumstances, however, this would be all hands on deck. Neighbors contacted neighbors, people started pouring in, and Nemeth did what he did best: organized the efforts. First up, hasty team. He wanted his best searchers dispersed along key perimeter areas encircling the PLS-point last seen-of their two missing hikers. Taking into account the average distance a person could travel an hour in that terrain, Nemeth drew a massive ring around the site, identifying their prime search area. Hasty teams would hike, ATV, or horseback into various points along this ring, conducting a down-and-dirty search of the trail and surrounding areas as they swept toward the center. They''d look for the men, but also look for signs of human passage, which might provide additional data on where Tim the experienced hiker and Scott the drunk buddy could''ve gone.

Ramsey, a town of four thousand situated at the edge of the Popo Agie Wilderness, was filled with experienced outsdoorspeople. The mountains were both a lifestyle and a professional calling. Nemeth was a veteran general working with expert foot soldiers. Which made it very hard for the family to accept what happened next. The first eight hours of the search, when Scott turned up wandering blindly along the rocky banks of the river. Still clad in his long underwear, face covered in scratches, fingernails caked with dirt. Clearly disoriented and shell-shocked. "Grizzly," Neil whispered.

"Mountain lion," Josh repeated. "Shit ." Miggy moaned. Even sobered up, Scott couldn''t provide any details about where he''d been or what he''d done. He remembered drinking with his buddies around the campfire and teasing Tim for working on his wedding vows. Scott went to bed and . Daylight. Cold.

So cold. Wandering in nothing but his stocking feet, till he found his way back to the river and followed it. Eventually, people appeared and a shrill whistle blew and now he was here and hey, where was Tim, anyway? Timothy O''Day. Thirty-three years old, first member of his family to go to college, graduating from Oregon State University with a degree in mechanical engineering. Described by his family and friends as a regular MacGyver. Engaged to be married to Latisha Gibbons, whom he''d met three years ago through his college buddy Neil. Latisha hailed from Atlanta, worked in marketing, and spent her weekends in a state of perpetual motion, hiking, biking, skiing, every bit as crazy as her future husband. Everyone said they looked beautiful together.

The ultimate, modern-day L.L.Bean couple. They''d buy a house, adopt a Lab, and produce 2.2 gorgeous children to chase along trails, down mountains, across streams. Theirs was to be a wonderful, magnificent life lived out loud.

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