How'd you like to match wits with a national champion Scrabble player? The name of the game is Anagrams, and if you think you're good at unscrambling word jumbles, come on in and take on hundreds of word puzzles ingeniously put together by one of the world's best wordplay experts. The first set of puzzles is easy -- you get a clue, and you're supposed to come up with a two-word phrase that comes from the same five letters. Okay? What two words mean "sneaky silverware checker"? (Answer: spoon snoop.) What two words mean "pale chump"? (Answer: pasty patsy.) Next come "double take" anagrams, where you use each letter twice. Here are the letters: ADEEPRT. The clue: "before bureaucracy". The answer: "predate red tape".
See how the mind of a champion wordsmith works? And there's much, much more.