Hedgehogs have been domesticated for many years. The hedgehog has a short life span and is solitary in nature. But in spite of this, it is very popular amongst pet enthusiasts across the world. Hedgehogs have many qualities that make them endearing as pets. But at the same time, they can display some characteristics that can confuse the pet owner. It is important that a prospective buyer educates himself about the animal. If you wish to buy and domesticate a hedgehog, then you should make an attempt to understand the unique mannerisms of the animal. This will enable you to understand your hedgehog better.
It is important to understand how you can keep your hedgehog healthy and happy. The main aim of this book is to acquaint you with all the information that you need to domesticate a hedgehog. This book will help you to clear all the questions that you might have regarding the hedgehogs and their domestication. It is not enough to go and buy a hedgehog; you have to take on the responsibility of taking care of the health and well-being of the animal. By following the tips and tricks discussed in the book, you will be able to give your hedgehog a loving and caring home. Covered in this book: - Types of hedgehogs - Bringing home a hedgehog - Hygiene - Health - Tracking - Behaviour - Housing - Husbandry - Diet - Exercise - Training - Solving problems . and much more.