Part I. Envisioning Empire in the Old World 1. The Mediterranean and Maritime Modernity (Ania Loomba) 2. Mapping Trans-Imperial Ottoman Space: Movement, Genre, Temporality, Ethnography of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Palmira Brummett) 3. Europe's Turkish Nemesis (Larry Silver) 4. The Houses of Habsburg and Osman: Rivals, Mirrors, Internecine Families (Carina Johnson) 5. "The ruin and slaughter of . fellow Christians": The French as Threat to Christendom in Spanish Assertions of Sovereignty in Italy, 1479-1516 (Andrew W.
Devereux) 6. Modern War, Ancient Form: Lessons from Lepanto for a Latin Seminar in Post-bellum Granada (Elizabeth R. Wright) 7. Imperial Anxiety, the Roman Mirror, and the Neapolitan Academy of the Duke of Medinaceli, 1696-1701 (Thomas Dandelet) Part II. Imagining the Mediterranean in Early Modern England 8. Meta-theater and the Mediterranean (Jane Degenhardt) 9. Copying "the Anti-Spaniard": Post-Armada Hispanophobia and English Renaissance Drama (Eric Griffin) 10. The Spanish Empire in Webster's Italianate Drama (Emily Weissbourd) 11.
The Pope's Scholars: Papal Supremacy and the 1579 Student Revolt at the English College in Rome (Brian Lockey) 12. Seeing Spain through Darkened Eyes: The Black Legend and Cornwallis' Mission to Spain, 1605-1609 (William Goldman).