"Not Safe For Vampires" is a science-fiction/fantasy book written by American author William Tyler Frost in 2010. The story incorporates modern science-fiction themes (environmental issues) with Gothic-fantasy (vampires). What makes the story unique is it's relation to history, as well as, the environmental theme woven into the vampire story.Plot summaryThe protagonist/hero, Thomas Watson, is a vampire in the year 2037, who works with the World Energy Group (WEG), which was founded by Professor Albert Goldsmith to develop new forms of energy to combat global warming. The story flashes back to the American Civil War, when Thomas first becomes a vampire, and chronicles his journey in search of other vampires. His journey leads him across the Atlantic ocean to London, England, where he befriends several members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and eventually, back to America where he confronts the antagonist/villain, Adzoola, who has taken Allee (Alliver Greenwall--fellow scientist and love-interest of Thomas). The story has a surprising and unexpected ending. William Frost is the Charles Dickens of Sci-Fi/Gothic-Horror.
Not Safe for Vampires