A thoroughly updated chapter on gender/culture and play - Chapter 7 Acquaints readers with the latest research into gender differences - "nature vs. nurture" - as it is manifest in children's play. Familiarizes readers with cultural differences in attitudes toward play, games, and competition. Expanded discussion of video games and computers on child development - in Chapter 2 Explores current social trends in electronic play. Helps future teachers understand the pros and cons of such entertainment vehicles from the perspective of child psychologists and educators. Increased material on safe environments addressing both indoor and outdoor play arenas Highlights the growing body of research showing that many childhood accidents can be prevented. Includes tips and tools for maintaining safe environments both indoors and out. A final chapter on "play leadership" encompassing a battery of skills needed by all adults who supervise children's play Encourages future teachers to see themselves as "play leaders" - advocates respect for children's play and recognition of play as a creative release from which learning and development arise.
A full chapter on play and children with disabilities -Including strong discussion of the latest in adaptive technology. Ensures students understand the importance of creating inclusive play environments. Helps students understand specific challenges faced by children with physical, visual, auditory, and other disabilities. Thorough treatment of methods for integrating play into the school curriculum particularly through field trips -Illustrates the rich array of "play" environments available to support learning - children's museums, historical sites, and parks, as well as pay-for-play venues. End-of-chapter pedagogical features - summary, key terms, and study questions -Encapsulate chapter content for readers - serve as chapter-by-chapter study guides and springboards for assignments.