Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book is the best-selling guide to Adobe's powerful motion graphics program. The 14 project-based lessons in this book show students step-by-step the key techniques for working in After Effects and how to work efficiently and deliver in the widest possible range of media types. In addition to learning the key elements of the After Effects interface, this revised edition covers new features and techniques. Some of what you'll learn: Learn how to create, manipulate, and optimize motion graphics for film, video, DVD, the web, and mobile devices. Gain hands-on experience animating text and images, customizing a wide range of effects, tracking and syncing content, rotoscoping, and correcting color. Learn to create 3D content with both After Effects and Maxon Cinema 4D Lite (included with the software). The best-selling guide to Adobe's powerful motion graphics program, fully updated. Includes 14 hands-on lessons that use clear, step-by-step instructions with screenshots to teach students key concepts for creating cinematic visual effects and sophisticated motion graphics using After Effects CC.
Online components include all lesson files plus video-enhanced Web Edition of the book. Classroom in a Book is the official training series from Adobe Systems Inc., developed with the support of Adobe product experts. video post-production; motion graphics; special effects; 3D; animation; 3D rendering; masking; rotoscoping; After Effects; Adobe Creative Cloud; Adobe After Effects; After Effects 2020; After Effects training; After Effects book; learning After Effects.