Introduction Dan M. Frangopol Part 1. Stateoftheart 1. Lifecycle performance, management, and optimization of structural systems under uncertainty: Accomplishments and challenges Frangopol, D.M. 2. Bridge network performance, maintenance, and optimization under uncertainty: Accomplishments and challenges Frangopol, D.M.
, and Bocchini, P. 3. Lifecycle of structural systems: recent achievements and future directions Frangopol, D.M., and Soliman, M. 4. Bridge lifecycle performance and cost: Analysis, prediction, optimization, and decisionmaking Frangopol, D.M.
, Dong, Y., and Sabatino, S. Part 2. General Methodology 5. Maintenance and management of civil infrastructure based on condition, safety, optimization, and lifecycle cost Frangopol, D.M., and Liu, M. 6.
Optimal bridge maintenance planning using improved multiobjective genetic algorithm Furuta, H., Kameda.T., Nakahara, K., Takahashi, Y., and Frangopol, D. M. 7.
Efficient multiobjective optimization of probabilistic service life management Kim, S., and Frangopol, D.M. 8. Lifecycle utilityinformed maintenance planning based on lifetime functions: Optimum balancing of cost, failure consequences, and performance benefit Sabatino, S., Frangopol, D.M., and Dong, Y.
Part 3. Lifecycle Performance under Corrosion and Fatigue 9. Reliabilitybased durability design and service life assessment of RC deck slab of a jetty structure Akiyama, M., Frangopol, D.M., and Takenaka, S. 10. Experimental investigation of the spatial variability of the steel weight loss and corrosion cracking of reinforced concrete members: novel Xray and digital image processing techniques Lim, S.
, Akiyama, M., Frangopol, D.M., and Jiang, H. 11. Fatigue performance assessment and service life prediction of highspeed ship structures based on probabilistic lifetime sea loads Kwon, K., Frangopol, D.M.
, and Kim, S. 12. Fatigue system reliability analysis of riveted railway bridge connections Imam, B. M., Chryssanthopoulos, M.K., and Frangopol, D.M 13.
Integration of the effects of airborne chlorides into reliabilitybased durability design of reinforced concrete structures in a marine environment Akiyama, M., Frangopol, D.M., and Suzuki, M. 14. Probabilistic limit analysis and lifetime prediction of concrete structures Biondini, F., and Frangopol, D.M.
Part 4. Lifecycle Performance under Earthquakes 15. Probabilistic assessment of an interdependent healthcare-bridge network system under seismic hazard Dong, Y., and Frangopol, D.M. 16. Performance analysis of TohokuShinkasen viaducts affected by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake Akiyama, M., Frangopol, D.
M., and Mizuno, K. 17. Longterm seismic performance of RC structures in an aggressive environment: Emphasis on bridge piers Akiyama, M., and Frangopol, D.M. 18. Lifecycle cost of civil infrastructure with emphasis on balancing structural performance and seismic risk of road network Furuta, H.
, Frangopol, D.M., and Nakatsu, K. Part 5. Inspection and Monitoring 19. Critical issues, condition assessment and monitoring of heavy movable structures: Emphasis on movable bridges Catbas, F.N., Gul, M.
, Gokce, H. B., Zaurin, R., Frangopol, D.M., and Grimmelsman, K. A. 20.
Integration of structural health monitoring in a system performance based lifecycle bridge management framework Okasha, N.M., and Frangopol, D.M. 21. Probabilistic biobjective optimum inspection / monitoring planning: applications to naval ships and bridges under fatigue Kim, S., and Frangopol, D.M.
22. Application of the statistics of extremes to the reliability assessment and performance prediction of monitored highway bridges Messervey, T.B., Frangopol, D.M., and Casciati, S. Part 6. Redundancy as LifeCycle Performance Indicator 23.
Timevariant redundancy and failure times of deteriorating concrete structures considering multiple limit states Biondini, F., and Frangopol, D.M. 24. Effects of postfailure material behavior on redundancy factors for design of structural components in nondeterministic systems Zhu, B., and Frangopol, D.M. 25.
Redundancy and robustness of highway bridge superstructures and substructures Ghosn, M., Moses, F., and Frangopol, D.M. 26. Timevariant redundancy of structural systems Okasha, N.M., and Frangopol, D.