Design Principles (9782940411368)Introduction. Chapter 1: Basic design theory: The role of the viewfinder in photography;The use of space; Positional decisions; Case study 1 - Points of view; The rules and when to break them; Exercise 1 - Cropping. Chapter 2: The elements of design: Line; Shape or form; Space; Texture; Case study 2 - Light and time; Light; Colour; Exercise 2 - Design limitations. Chapter 3: First design principles; Pattern; Repetition; Interruption; Variety and unity; Case study 3 - Depth and light; Rhythm; Contrast; Exercise 3 - Form and structure. Chapter 4: Depth and scale: Overcoming limitations; Actual and illusory depthl; Scale and proportion; Case study 4 - Style and setting; The absence of scale; Abstraction; Exercise 4 - Abstract images. Chapter 5: Movement and flow; Directional forces; Case study 5 - Lines and shapes; Containment; Flow direction; Exercise 5 - Observation. Chapter 6: Emphasis and emotion; Point of interest; Focus areas vs areas of de-focus; Juxtaposition; Case study 6 - Juxtaposition; Incongruity; Mood and emotion; Exercise 6 - Themes. Chapter 7: Putting it all together: Expressing views and visions; Symbolism as visual shorthand; Case study 7 - The vernacular; Creative strategies; Exercise 7 - Concepts and ideas.
Conclusion; Glossary; Bibliography and webography; Index; Acknowledgements and picture credits; Working with ethics. Context and Narrative (9782940411405)Introduction. Chapter 1: The photograph: The function of the photograph; The photographic brief; Context and the photograph; Case study ''The Regency Project''- Richard Rowland; Exercises and summary. Chapter 2: Subject:Choosing your subject; Concept; Equipment and materials; External factors; Case study ''Homeless Ex-service'' - Stuart Griffiths; Exercises and summary. Chapter 3: Audience; Audience and intention; Statement of intent; The response of the audience; Intention, interpretation and context; Case study ''The King Alfred'' - Simon Carruthers; Exercises and summary. Chapter 4: Narrative: What is narrative?; A series or set of photographs; The single image; Case study ''Average Subject'' - Kim Sweet; Exercises and summary. Chapter 5: Signs and symbols: Basic theory; Negotiating signs and symbols; Enigmas and truths;Practical techniques; Case study ''Les Moguichets'' - Betsie Genou; Exercises and summary. Chapter 6: Text: Using text; Integrated text; Text within the image; Accompanying information; Case study ''Uncertainty'' - Trevor Williams; Exercises and summary.
Conclusion; Recommended reading; Online resources; Picture credits; Index; Acknowledgements; Working with ethics. Behind the Image (9782940411665)Introduction: What is research in photography? Chapter 1: Planning: A research proposal; Being informed: History; Being informed: Practice; Being informed: Theory; Case study 1: Aberfan; Activity 1: Recording ideas. Chapter 2: Developing ideas through research; Where to do background research?; The Internet; Archives; Other interactive forms of research; How research informs practice; Case study 2: Flora; Activity 2: An illustrated story. Chapter 3: Practice as research: What to do and why; Studios; Street photography; Style, genre, medium and technique; Post production; Applying research to practice; Editing; Evaluation as part of the research process; Making judgements; Case study 3: Helen Goodin; Activity 3: Pioneers of photography. Chapter 4: Compiling your research: Keeping a workbooks/sketchbook; Blogging; Storing your archive; Case study: Putting On; Activity 4: Start your own blog. Chapter 5: Research and practice: Testing the relevance of what you are doing; Audience and context; Revisiting past research; Thinking time; Modifying a plan; Final production; Case study 5: Clare Strand; Activity 5: Context and meaning. Chapter 6: The impact of research: The bigger picture; Reflection; Photographers'' archives; Putting research into context; Case study 6: Hashem el Madani; Activity 6: Booklet. Conclusion; Glossary; Bibliography and webography; Index; Picture credits; Acknowledgements; Working with ethics.
Reading Photographs (9782940411894)Chapter 1: What is a photograph?; Invention: the marriage of chemistry and optics; Time and light; Uses and application; The democratic image; A small history of photography; The camera: an evolution; Case study 1. Chapter 2: Reading the signs; Where do meanings come from?; Semiotics: the study of signs; Ideology: ideas, practices and beliefs; Case Study 2. Chapter 3: Truth and lies; The camera never lies; Representation and reality; The camera always lies; Case study 3. Chapter 4: Identity: People and portraits; Looks and gazes; The body; A note on psychoanalysis; Case study 4.Chapter 5: Big Brother is watching you: Surveillance and control; Propaganda and advertising; Public space - private lives; Case study 5. Chapter 6: Aesthetics: But is it art?; The ''painter'' of modern life; The iconic image; Case study 6. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index; Working with Ethics.