You don't have to search very long in our world to find someone who will tell you that heaven is real or on the other hand that the notion of a creative force for the universe is an elaborate hoax. But where is the absolute proof to support either conclusion? Whether you count yourself as an atheist or a fundamentalist, this book will challenge your beliefs. What do you believe? Why do you believe it? Can your belief system stand up to self-evident scientific discoveries? If you are a believer, do you worship? Do you pray? If so, how and why? How does your faith or lack of it play into your day to day behavior? These are questions that many of us are uncomfortable to think about, much less discuss with others. The author tackles these and many other questions straight on. Notwithstanding the subtitle, there is nothing in this book about the ethereal or the astral. You will not find the word "karma" in this book. What you will find is a unique approach to deep questions; an approach that is direct, plain-spoken and succinct. This book includes profound insights into matters of faith, spirituality, and formal religion based on observations about human nature, science, popular culture and some of the author's personal experiences, providing a modern day context to allow the reader to grapple with the questions that are raised on their own terms, rather than relying on others, no matter what their position or stature in society.
The reader will find frank discussion about ministry, prayer, worship, personal and institutional wealth, the place of discussion of religion in public, the nature of the soul, what the nature of a creative power might be, and numerous other topics that fall within the realm of the title. The author is essentially a lay-person and not a biblical scholar, who unabashedly challenges clergy, scientists, and politicians in addition to other lay-people to think again or perhaps for the first time about the nature of our existence and our roles on this earth. No matter who you are, where you are from, or how you were raised, you will find something in this book that you haven't thought about before. Without offering answers, this book will change the way you think about faith, spirituality, religion, life and the possibility of afterlife. The basic thesis of this work is the insistence that we each use the brain we were given to think things out for ourselves. The assertion is that no faith is genuine that isn't thought through and thought through deeply by each individual. Read this book. You will be forever changed by it.