The tragic events of September 11, 2001, changed the world and Little Tree's life forever. Growing in New York City, Little Tree becomes tattered, shattered, and buried by debris from the terrorist attack of the nearby Twin Towers on that fateful day. After weeks hidden from sight, he is miraculously discovered to be alive. Recognized as the last living thing to be removed from Ground Zero, he is carefully transported to Van Cortlandt Park's nursery to heal. Through years of nurturing and healing, Little Tree grows and is affectionately nicknamed "Survivor Tree." Written for the young, but meant to be treasured by all, Little Tree's story exemplifies how personal determination, coupled with loving support, can defy all odds to persevere through life's tragedies and challenges.
Composition Notebook : Chemistry You're Overreacting Funny Science School, Journal 6 X 9, 100 Page Blank Lined Paperback Journal/Notebook