As school-readiness expectations mount and the business of child care continually evolves, early childhood educators are being pulled along for the ride. Now, more than ever, quality leadership is necessary to ensure quality care. The Basics of Leading a Child-Care Business, the second book in The Business of Child Care series, explains how to develop and lead a high-quality program where children can play, explore, and learn in the care of a well-educated, committed, and trained workforce. Learn about both the business side of the operation as well as the skills, knowledge, and techniques needed to support children's development and learning. Each chapter focuses on a specific area of operations, offering terminology and concepts to help you understand the ins and outs of the child-care business. Explore key questions that shape understanding of important topics, including: What does it take to find and develop committed professionals? What are the root causes of turnover? How do you set the culture of your organization? What are the keys to the success of a child-care program? Read case studies that illustrate key concepts. Build knowledge with exercises that apply new concepts. With a solid foundation, your child-care business, the educators you employ, and the children you serve can thrive.
After all, early childhood educators play a crucial role in school readiness. Why not give them the best chance at success in that endeavor? Book jacket.